Fresh Water Wells

100,000 families in India enjoy clean, fresh water as a result of New Harvest Ministries providing wells in more than 100 villages.  A well dedication ceremony is held for each new well, allowing the unreached to hear the Gospel.  Lives are changed, as fresh drinking water and the Living Water is carried into remote areas.  $4,000 is needed to drill a well.  Contact us if you, your group, your church, or your business would like to sponsor a well.  The grateful villages place a plaque in honor of those who provided the well at the well site.

Cody & Jordan Looman Well
Our first well drilled in Tanzania in 2022!
Washing Clothes at a Well in India
Klassen Well in India
Drilling For Water
Brower Family Well in Tanzania
This well was drilled in the agricultural region and is used to supply water to the crops.
New Well in Jaipur, India
Second Well in Africa!
Digging took place earlier in 2023
Fresh Drink of Water