
Open air gospel meetings are held in cities, villages, and very remote areas across India and Tanzania.  Over 1,000,000 souls have come to salvation in Jesus Christ through these meetings.

The Varghese brothers in India hold an annual conference with pastor seminars, evangelistic outreach, and public baptisms.  Each year, people travel from several churches around the country and stay on the conference grounds for a week for encouragement and to spread the Gospel.  Many of the conference grounds buildings are still under construction.

Pastor Laban holds open-air gospel meetings and would like to begin recording Christian music to sell in Mpanda. Only $3,000 would provide a keyboard with recording capabilities.  This would be a means for outreach and hopefully provide income for the ministry.

Open Air Evangelistic Meeting
Held in Mpanda, Tanzania at Pastor Laban's Church
Annual Conference
The annual Conference held in Tamil, Nadu India where hundreds gather from across the country to hear the good news.
Gospel Outreach Meetings
Held in Chataparru, India with Pastor Sukumar
3,ooo People in Attendance & 30 people came to Christ!!