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Haryana, India – July 2023
Pastor David & Usha visited Pastor Edwin’s family up North. Plans are being draw up to build the prayer house at the Jaipur well. They met with an engineer and mason to discuss the next steps (1st picture below).
Pastor David then led a prayer meeting at believer’s house from Pastor Edwin’s Church (the 2nd-4th) pictures.
Andra Pradesh, India – July 2023
Pastor Sukumar laying the Foundation Stone for construction of a new branch of Jesus Glory Church in Dowleswaram.
Andra Pradesh, India – July 17, 2023
Pastor Sukumar passed out treats to the Children of the Child Care Center!
Tribal Region Andra Pradesh, India – July 12, 2023
Pastors Sukumar and Esther traveled to the tribal regions of Andra Pradesh, India to hold a meeting for the Pastors of this area. He reports this meeting was a “grand success” and the Pastors all testified they were greatly blessed by this time together in the Lord.
Pastor Sukumar
Speaking at the Tribal Pastor's Metting July 12, 2023